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Gardening Chart

Now available!

Artistic image - eggplant
  • when to start planting
  • when to stop planting
  • when harvest will start
  • when harvest will finish
  • perennials vs annuals
  • which plants to choose in drought or flood seasons
  • beginner-proof plants

What is it?
A seasonal chart of what to plant when.

PDF download below – completely free

The chart covers all the vegetables and fruit in the articles, approximately 150 vegetable plants plus approximately 70 fruits.


Important notes:
Constructive feedback is welcome. The Bello Food Gardening project is still a work in progress.
Cool season vegetables and fruit articles are still being researched and may not be as accurate as I would like at this stage.

Native plants are still to come after discussions with Gumbaynggirr people have taken place.
A few extremely commonly available native plants have been included in detail already.

The current planting chart version is 1-June 2024 (noted bottom left on each page)
